Sweating Through The Insights
Why Are We Shouting? with Jill Salzman
Miss Sunshine's Sales Savvy

Miss Sunshine's Sales Savvy

What’s in this episode:

If you wanna conquer your confidence when it comes to selling your stuff, there’s no need to turn to the experts. 

Find a first grader instead.

Miss Sunshine’s cover art. Notice the price tag. #bold

Kids can teach us an awful lot about how to ignore what other people might think of us. They intuitively understand that if you don’t ask, you won’t get it.

And if they’re anything like my firstborn daughter, they’ll surprise you by how easily they take to selling their own stuff.

Folks + things mentioned in this episode:

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  • Have you ever wondered what the secrets are behind some of the most successful women in the world? On the Superwomen podcast, designer Rebecca Minkoff dives into these secrets and more with women from all walks of life -- from CEOs to founders to artists to designers. These conversations show us what life is like without the pretty filters. Rebecca exposes how loss can make us stronger, helps us to navigate what it means to be vulnerable, and makes our inner Superwoman shine. Find the Superwomen podcast every Tuesday wherever you're listening to this podcast.

Got Q’s? Jill’s Got A’s.

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Sweating Through The Insights
Why Are We Shouting? with Jill Salzman
Jill Salzman wants no part of the traditional business landscape. Also, she can't stop shouting, especially when it comes to biz advice. Why Are We Shouting? tackles the A’s to every mom entrepreneur’s Q’s when it comes to running a company and lets you in on the stories along the way. Jill ponders the big questions of our day:
“How can I grow my business without losing my mind?”
“Why can’t my kids stop whining when I’m on an important call?”
"How long will it take before Stephen Colbert's team invites Jill to be a guest?"
Jill’s an award-winning entrepreneur, author, global speaker, and gum junkie who’s been building businesses for over a decade. She currently runs The Founding Moms, the #1 platform for mom entrepreneurs to build better businesses. Over the years, she’s tried a million trillion quadrillion different things to grow her companies and wants to save you some time and a few headaches. Above all else, she’s certain of one thing: she never knows what she’s doing. If you feel like you don't know what you're doing either, let's shout about it.
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jill salzman