What’s in this episode:
Do you still love Facebook?
Is your favorite place to connect still LinkedIn?
Are you still spending the majority of your bathroom time on Instagram?

Whether it’s from a purely personal point of view or a professional perspective, is spending all this time on social media helping you?
Or is it hurting you?
Folks + things mentioned in this episode:
Listen to The Rabbit Hole, a New York Times 6-episode podcast series and fantastic exploration of what the Internet is doing to us.
If you haven’t seen The Social Dilemma stop what you’re doing and watch it here.
Find out what Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin are doing to save the world at their Center for Humane Technology and get involved.
Need a read? Try The Best Business Book In The World* (*According to my Mom) here.
Looking to work with a coach to transform your way of thinking? Look no further.
Got Q’s? Jill’s Got A’s.
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See you soon,
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